Map Catalog

Human Well - Being

Human Well-Being includes Diarrhea among Children, Child Malnutrition, and Adult BMI.


A broad range of policies has been proposed to reduce the vulnerability of the world’s poor to global food price spikes, including amendments in global trade rules that restrict the possibility of food exporters to impose export bans, stricter rules on biofuel production and food commodity speculation, the institutionalization of grain reserves to stabilize prices in times of crises, and the creation and expansion of national social safety mechanisms, in addition to a boost in investments to raise agricultural productivity and adapt to changing climate sustainably (Ecker and Breisinger 2012).

Policy Analyzer

Subsidies includes food, fuel and total subsidies.


Poverty includes Poverty Headcount Ratio at $1.9, and $3.2 a day.

Production and Prices

Production and Prices include CPI, GNI per capita, Agriculture GDP, Industry GDP, Manufacturing GDP, Services GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth, and total GDP.

Public Finances

Cash surplus or deficit is revenue (including grants) minus expense, minus net acquisition of non-financial assets. In the 1986 GFS manual non-financial assets were included under revenue and expenditure in gross terms. Figures before 2011 refer to both Sudan and South Sudan. Figures for 2014 are projections. Revenue is cash receipts from taxes, social contributions, and other revenues such as fines, fees, rent, and income from property or sales. Grants are also considered as revenue but are excluded here. Government revenue figures for Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Sudan and Yemen from the World Bank's WDI exclude grants. Figures before 2011 refer to both Sudan and South Sudan.